Training in BapatDOE is a Strategic Decision
BapatDOE is advanced /improved version of ShaininDOE
BapatDOE is advanced /improved version of ShaininDOE
Sooner or later, a growing organization will train its members in ShaininDOE One simply cannot grow with its critical processes not operating at peak performance levels. DorianShainin has developed these process improvement tools by distilling his 60 years of experience in solving thousands of industrial problems! These tools work!!! These problem solving tools can solve your most difficult problems. To give a couple of examples - in one textile plant, blanket rejection reduced from 8% to zero in one week. In another plant making writing instruments, inline rework/ sorting eliminated, reducing operational cost by 25%, again in a short time of 2 weeks! Here is how one organisation benefited from ShaininDOE training and practice. The company was growing at 30% a year, but Profits were falling ( as percentage of sales). Had been implementing 5S for a long time. At this point CEO decided that training in problem solving tools using ShaininDOE will help. SigmaGuru Consultant spent only one week, every month at the client site. They gained equivalent to 3.5 % of turnover by end of six months! |
Experience in One Organisation
Week / month 1 - First group of 20, including CEO trained in basics of six sigma principles and philosophy. 20 projects assigned and started. SigmaGuru way is to train in the morning and practice in the afternoon. This yields fast results.By end of day 5, first project to improve the most critical business process yielded significant clues for improvement. Week / month 2 - Second group of 20, including those in top management team who missed the first session, are trained. 20 more projects assigned and started. First project gave significant results.40 projects are in the area of manufacturing, maintenance, quality, finance, marketing, accounts, HR, planning, MIS. Projected benefits of 40 projects - 7% of annual turnover Week / month 3/4/5 - Breakthrough a few more projects, projects 2,3 and 4.Success spreads to other similar, parallel projects. Most Projects nearing completion. Retraining and project support continues. Week / month 6 - Gains of implemented projects - 3.5% of annual turnover All Projects closed. If you too will run the program for one year, how much will you gain? Well, you can figure out yourself! |
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